Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Kelly goes to Arts Funding Panel

Notes - I am a note-taking-machine! (image of my notebook from my etsy site)

On Jan. 13, 2015, I went to a free arts funding panel offered by Springboard for the Arts and Hennepin County Libraries. I ended up with a couple new goals about art grants.

1. Approach WARM Women's Art Registry of Minnesota and maybe do their mentor program, or at least write the funding for the mentor program into one of my grant applications. (yikes: Looks like it costs $90 per month) But WARM members have other get togethers and hopefully they can help me as a mom who put her art career on hold for the kids and  special needs issues of kid - who is ready finally to refocus on art-making but I still have to juggle  other caregiving responsibilities. 
I became a WARM member for $55 for one year - which will get me into their other programs (not the Mentor one though)

2. I used to have a goal of applying for ONE art grant per year. Maybe two. (MN State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grant and McKnight Fellowship). Now I am more in mind to apply for three - and go for something like a travel/study grant or a grant for a project with a community-emphasis - there might be something I'm already involved in (like those conversations I've been having with Tammy Ortegon about balancing caregiving & art-making - that could possibly turn into a project with a community connection for which we could get a grant to help realize it).

The presenters were:
Delta Giordano, she is an artist with a theater background and she works for the Knight Foundation which has an innovative new program called the Knight Arts Challenge.
Cynthia Gehrig, President of the Jerome Foundation which gives fellowships to emerging artists, and also sponsors a travel/study grant, and also sponsors residencies for artists at Northern Clay Center, Highpoint Center for Printmaking, New York Mills, and Textile Center
Shannon Forney from MRAC - she's also a performer, a clown, and part-owner of a coffee shop where they have the Smallest Museum
Noah Keesecker Moderated - Program director of artistic development at Springboard - he's also a composer.