Sunday, August 11, 2013

How to enter for painting giveaway: (GIVEAWAY OVER - join my mailing list to be alerted if I do another giveaway)

To enter for the giveaway of this painting, just visit
and follow the instructions and then every comment is an entry.

You can make comments up through the end of the day on 8/24, then the winner will be chosen by and this contest is organized by HandmadeMN, an etsy team that I'm part of.

Peace Machine With Broccoli, Watercolor and Ink, 2012, 9x12 in.

Friday, August 09, 2013

Upcoming HandmadeMN Giveaway

Kelly Newcomer original art Giveaway starts 8/11 and ends 8/24.
Check back on 8/11 for HandmadeMN link.

HandmadeMN is the etsy team I'm on. They provide opportunities for artists and crafters on etsy to meet in person in the Twin Cities and sell at art/craft fairs like the Uptown VFW fair I did last October...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Illustrations and Logos

Kelly Newcomer is an illustrator and artist specializing in character design. Portfolio of recent commercial illustrations below

Recent illustrations and logos portfolio, updated with animations added 1/15/2013:

 Click on image of desert sky to see it animate on my website:

Above: Just finished the online tutorial for "Create an Animated Star Field" (link to tutorial) with Edge Animate with Chris Converse using javascript and jquery to randomly animate the stars.  (Layout and photos provided by tutorial.) 


static gif of ad in final state
Powderhorn Art Fair Banner ad 160x600 with frog hopping and button slight animation on over, with clickthrough to art fair site (Ad for 2012 Powderhorn Art Fair featuring frog artwork by Marina Lee) Click image to see flash animation hosted on (blogger won't embed flash for some reason)

static gif of wedgie on bike animation final state

Above: Wedge on a bike for our neighborhood newspaper "The Wedge" Click image to see flash animation hosted on (blogger won't embed flash for some reason)

First Universalist Small Groups Logo which I animated as an exercise to learn Flash. Click image to see flash animation hosted on (blogger won't embed flash for some reason)

Above: Peace Machine character from a personal comic series

Above: Yellow Kite Realty designed for Minneapolis businessman Al Olme who came up with the ideas as a rough sketch and just had me create everything in illustrator.

Above: Illustration for CLIPit Cover-Siemens CLC-604. Licensed by Designafairs GmbH, Munich, Germany

Above: Cover Illustration, The Portland Mercury, Portland, OR, Volume 3, #45

CD Illustration and Design, Extra Credit, Salt Lady Records

  Illustration for article about a mom whose little boy is playing hockey. Rake Magazine, 2005
Above: Illustration for National Lawyer's Guild annual program 2009 created with oil pastel and watercolor transparent layers

Above: Final illustration for National Lawyer's Guild annual program 2009 final

Above: Illustration for National Lawyer's Guild annual program 2010 (this group LOVES raised fists) I love working for lefty groups.

 Above: The Wedge  newspaper illustration for Earth Day article

Above: Illustration for 7 foot Outdoor Museum Banners, Roswell Museum and Art Center/City of Roswell

Unity Leadership Programs Logo

  Above: Illustration for  Utne Reader, magazine article about radio frequency identification chips

 Above: camera guy logo for Minneapolis photographer, Jeff Newcomer. He chose the guy with glasses, but he doesn't wear glasses, so I took them off.

Above: University of Oregon Bookstore children's section bookmark and also these images were installed as a mural in the kid's reading area.
 Above: Powderhorn Art Fair Program, bicycling art fair artist

Above: Proposals for CARAG neighborhood signage

Above: Logo, Association of Universalist Women